Skiing without competition

A pristine ski slope

Has this ever happened to you? You are up early and have a pristine ski slope in front of you. No competition and no crowded, rutted slope. It has never happened to me. Well, you should also get up early. At 8.15 a.m. we set off with a ski instructor in the gondola lift to Bettmerhorn. First enjoy the view and look at the Valais mountains. Maybe during a beautiful sunrise in December or a clear winter day in February. Always a dream. And then ski down the freshly groomed slopes. Cool!

After the descent still a breakfast

The offer is valid until 10 am and can be booked every Tuesday until the end of the season. In the restaurant Bättmerhitta you conclude the experience with breakfast and ski instructor and a lively conversation about the Great Aletsch Glacier. And of course you should be in possession of a valid ski pass.

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