The full moon event in the Aletsch Arena

The nice thing about the full moon is that it is quite bright at night. And if you're like me and have trouble sleeping, you should use this night wisely instead of tossing and turning in bed. As fresh cold air is known to make you tired, I recommend a torchlight descent with a moonlight dinner..

Everything cheese

Beforehand, there's a choice of raclette or fondue in the Panorama restaurant at the Bettmerhorn mountain station. Enjoy an Alpine summit dinner, perhaps with a glass of wine, while watching the lights of the Rhone valley bathed in soft light. And as you savour your dessert, marvel at the snowy mountain backdrop at night.

Torchlight descent with your own torch

We set off at 8.30 pm. Everyone receives their own torch and the ski trip continues to the village square in Bettmeralp. You ski down the piste in the moonlight with a ski instructor. No one else is on the piste, just your group. With the wintry mountain village in front of you and the moonlit Bettmerhorn behind you, you glide under the full moon to a relaxing night of blissful sleep. Sweet dreams!

Wiä fiirlich sind verschneiti Bärga, bim Bschoue gschpirsch en tiefi Rüeh